Holistic Money Coaching with

Hey there! I am so glad you're here!
Stick around and allow me to tell you a little bit about my philosophy and holistic approach to money so you can decide if it's right for you!
I designed my Stress-Free Finances Method to help Holistic Practitioners, Coaches and Creatives rebuild their relationship with money through combining these three aspects:
Emotional Health, Financial Resilience,
& Purpose Fueled Momentum
This is long, yet I REFUSE to summarize it to make it more catchy or marketable. It stresses me out and dilutes my message, so deep breaths as you read and feel my words resonate in your body 😘
Make Empowered, Fuck Yeah, Money Decisions and Increase Your Income
✨ Feel calm, confident, safe and at peace around money so you can make, save and invest money in ways that make you happy. ✨ Make financial choices and decisions from a place of empowerment, alignment and the energy of YUM!! ✨ Acquire tools to soothe and process emotions related to fear, scarcity or self worth allowing you to overcome any money blocks that may have held you back from earning your true potential. ✨Set your prices from a place of YUM and empowerment: With emotional clarity, you will find yourself able to set prices that reflect the true value of your services without feeling guilt or self doubt, leading to higher earnings and working with clients that light you the F up! ✨ Follow and stick with your money plan and financial promises effortlessly from a place of self love and devotion, without needing to try hard, push or use self discipline tactics. ✨ Create an unfuckwithable level of self confidence so you can pursue opportunities that will lead to income growth (such as raising your prices, seeking out new clients, collaborate with colleagues, and launching new services).
Create a Safe Financial Environment and Build Wealth a Flexible Money System
✨ Create a system for yourself that will help you alleviate and release any scarcity wounds. ✨ Get financially organized without relying on rigid budgets or discipline. ✨ Create a personal money system that will effectively help you build wealth, and achieve your financial goals: Pay off debt, create savings for emergencies, retirement, trips, etc. ✨ Establish a personal and business financial system that helps you pay off debt, save for the future, and manage your money with ease. ✨ Build your financial support team to guide your journey towards sustainable financial success(Money Coach, Advisor, Business/ Marketing coach, Tax person, Bookkeeper, etc).
Build Momentum to Create Lasting Change.
You know all these big, juicy goals you have? Here, you are going to learn exactly how to make them all happen! Over the past 30 years, I have made the impossible happen using my UnF*ck Your Money method! I moved to Australia 3 times, I moved to France, moved to New Orleans, married my Soulmate, and moved to Albuquerque (twice lol!), started a successful business from scratch using my Unf*ck Your Money Method: ✨Set soul-aligned goals that reflect your true desires and values, using my 5P trauma-informed goal setting method that prioritizes emotional safety and building confidence and resilience by taking small, manageable steps to get more sustainable results, helping you build confidence, and resilience without reactivating past trauma or burnout. . ✨ Learn how to coach yourself to modify when things get rocky, instead of quit. ✨ Understand your triggers, and learn empowering coping skills to manage any setbacks or challenges which allows for steady and sustainable progress towards your goals. ✨ Learn how to build Money Dates into your self care routine to create more sustainable financial practices. ✨ Learn to have empowering money conversations: whether your goal is to have conflict-free financial discussions with your spouse or life partner, or learning how to state your price on a sales call with potential buyers in business. ✨ Build Healthy Boundaries: Surprisingly, our work together will impact WAY more than just your financial life! 96% of my clients and students have reported having better boundaries as a result of our work together, which has created an improvement in their personal relationships, self worth and self care practice, leading to better financial results and peace of mind. ✨ Foster safe co-regulating relationships and spaces through carefully selecting supportive mentorship, friends, and colleagues. ✨ Address the root cause of any abandonment, rejection and scarcity wound that create limiting beliefs, or self-sabotaging behaviors, leading to deeper, more holistic healing. ✨ Learn how to feel safe with money and feel like money is your friend, your buddy, your bestie, co-conspirator and even your sexy lover who is here to help you make your life more pleasurable and support you create the impact you are born for, and do good in the world Yup, I hear ya! Fucking YUM!!
Through my holistic approach, my clients have been able to achieve impressive results.
I will be bragging a bit along the way!

My client Chelidha paid off $55,000 worth of debt and loans from working together!
To get started, please feel free to book your Initial Financial Assessment Call.
A Financial Assessment Call is not a sales call!
In this 40 min 1:1 session, we will talk about your journey with money to the degree you’re comfortable with, and with the info you provide, along with my questions, I’ll be able to give you my thoughts and suggestions on how to improve your relationship with money and release your money blocks.
And if I think my offers will help you, I will gently suggest that you check them out.
Investment $120 USD
I’m Nadine Zumot
Certified Money Coach + Somatic Practitioner
You might know me as the edgy, no BS host of The UnF*ck Your Money Podcast.
But maybe what you don’t know is how I had the shittiest relationship with money back when I started my business.

Every day felt like a never ending rollercoaster of overdoing and overworking for my clients.
Each client felt like they were my going to be my last one ever (hello scarcity mindset!).
My prices were so low, I was terrified that no one would ever want to work with me. I was either offering ridiculous payment plans or silly discounts for fear of running out of clients. I was constantly making financial decisions based on fear of lack rather than abundance.
I also remember feeling like there were never enough hours in the day, as I spent hour after hour either doing a personal development course to improve my mindset or trying to come up with a smart marketing strategy to boost sales and engagement.
My relationship with my family suffered. As did my relationship with myself, my spirituality and my physical body.
The worst part was when I would compare myself to other practitioners who were doing great the online space, and ask myself:
Instead of feeling the freedom I wanted to feel when I opened my business, I was feeling the complete opposite. I was chasing money which led to a depleted sense of self worth, high levels of self doubt, burnout and constant fights with my husband.
My money blocks were running me to the ground.
After 2 years of this nightmare, I intuitively came to the conclusion that my inner child had a lot to do with how I made, saved, and spent my money. So I dove into trauma work and received training in trauma healing, somatic experiencing, emotional processing in addition to my background in finance and accounting.
Healing my scarcity, self worth and abandonment traumas, as well as learning how to process my emotions were a total game changer for me. As a result, I am able to build real wealth and call in thousands of dollars through my business each month, without burning out or sacrificing my integrity, my authenticity and most importantly, my relationships.

And this is how my holistic, trauma informed money method was developed!
I blend together aspects of personal and business finance with deep trauma healing work to help healers create everlasting transformations and rebuild their relationship with money so they can create the impact they are meant to create.
I know how our relationship with money can create some serious self doubt which derails us from helping the people we are meant to help, and from making a difference in our world and communities.
My Happy Ending:
Money is no longer my oppressor.
To me, money is my teacher, a warm friend that had my back and supports my desires.
I can safely say that my relationship with money is delicious!
Money is the friend who is dedicated to showing me when I am out of alignment, or when I need to slow down and release old baggage.
And as you can imagine, being a soul led coach, developing a healthy and nourishing relationship with money made a huge difference on my impact, the authentic expression of my purpose and how I serve my community and clients.
Today, as a Certified Money Coach®️, Financial Coach, Functional Somatic Practitioner, and Trauma of Money Practitioner, I’m dedicated to helping you make your wildest dreams a reality.
I am your biggest cheerleader conspiring with your Higher Self to make shit happen. Whether you’ve your goal is to create delicious wealth through your Soul-led business, or learn how to better manage your finances, get rid of any icky feelings that money gives you, or all the above, I am your gal!
I believe in you, and my desire is to witness you step into your most unfuckwithable energy in your business, your life and in your relationship with money.
So, are you ready to Shake Shit Up?
In MOMENTUM, you will rebuild your relationship with money and learn how to create sustainable wealth through your business.
The 3 Month Program includes:
➡️ 9 x 1:1 private sessions with Somatic Practitioner and Money Coach Nadine.
➡️ A dedicated portal for your recorded sessions.
➡️ A shortcut method especially tailored for Soul-led entrepreneurs that can shave off YEARS of guess-work and talk therapy, and THOUSANDS of dollars working with a strategy- based financial advisor. My work combines the magic of both sound money management and emotional healing designed to help you create and sustainable impact and wealth without needing to discipline yourself or repress your emotions.
➡️ My holistic, trauma informed approach to healing your money blocks and creating delicious money managment systems drawing from my training and experience in Financial Coaching, Behavioral Finance, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Money Archetypes, Parts Work, running a kickass business, and of course my own life experiences of overcoming scarcity and adversity, and making the impossible happen!
➡️ BONUS: 12 month access to my Money Momentum portal which includes workbooks, recorded lessons and journaling prompts, and meditations designed to offer support and ease while you're on the journey. (Valued at $1,000)
Celebrating my wonderful client Katie, who paid over $40K of debt and saved over $25K while working together.
Listen to her story here:
Working with Nadine is an Unequivocal 10!
The healing groundwork is really what sealed this for me, right at the beginning. Knowing how the nervous system could be NURTURED, in combination with the inner child and archetype work was such a life-altering way for me to heal my money wounds. I knew my relationship was super unhealthy (okay...it was completely fucked up!), but having this framework to help me work through things was worth tens of thousands of dollars worth of therapy! This is something that already has but will also continue to drastically influence my life.
-A. M.
My bank accounts look so, so different after working with Nadine
More importantly,
I FEEL safe for the first time in my life.
I feel like there is flow to my money rather than it feeling like I am trapped.
I loved working with Nadine!
I feel immensely grateful to have found this program and to have support.
I think that YOU, Nadine, are the most valuable aspect of this experience… and that means everything you bring to the table...being someone who has invested a ton of time, effort, and resources in your healing and education (you walk your talk and have been forged in the fire). You are a good teacher too...having a good sense of pacing for content, good organizational and presentation skills, healthy boundaries, deep understanding of the concepts you teach etc.
Also, somehow you make hard things easier with your compassion, humor, positivity, and vibrant energy...you have a fun, easy-going, and nurturing personality that puts people at ease.
Nadine! I am nearly debt free!
Since working with you, I have paid off over $40K of debt and saved over $26K!
Investing in a money coach when paying off debt seems counterintuitive, however I wouldn't have been able to do this without your guidance and support with healing the underlying wounds that were causing my spending habits.
- Katie P.
I absolutely loved my time with Nadine.
I deepened my relationship with myself, my inner child, and money!
I would encourage anyone who are willing to do the work and who want to grow to work with Nadine.
- Abie I.
"Working with Nadine is incredible and has exceeded my expectations! I am very pleased with how much I can implement so soon and how fast my limiting beliefs have shifted."
Terran P.
Your Happy Ending:
☀️ You’re sitting at a beautiful beachside resort, surrounded by your entire family—parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews.
The best part? You’ve covered the entire cost, from flights to accommodations to every delicious meal.
There’s laughter, joy, and deep connection, and you’re filled with pride knowing that you made this possible.
Deep down you know that what you created isn’t just a vacation; it’s a celebration of the abundance you’ve cultivated and the life you’ve built.
You relish in the carefreeness of your family.
No one’s worrying about expenses; everyone is simply enjoying the moment, thanks to the financial freedom you’ve worked so hard to create.
This scenario, and many more, is your reality. You are worthy of this, and MUCH more.
What say you? Are you ready to Create Momentum and Unfuck Your Money?
Or you can book a single session here.