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What type of person is this program best suited for?


This program is perfect for self-motivated professionals, 9-5ers, practitioners, healers, coaches, lightworkers (either practicing or soon to start their business), and truly anyone who has a desire to do deeper money work to embrace their worth, their value and step into the big life they know they are meant for to elevate, inspire and heal not just themselves but others around them. 


The program is also well suited if you just know in your bones that you’re meant for more, even if you’re unsure of the direction you want to go, and you definitely know that your money stuff is holding you back, and you are ready to change that. 


What is the format of CFA?


This program is a combination of live coaching and recorded video lessons.

There are 50 video lessons, along with workbooks, guided meditation and a loving private community. 

The program material and online community will be hosted via Mighty Networks, an app you can access on your phone, or through your desktop. 


In this 6 month program, you will receive access to 3 x small-group coaching sessions per month for 6 months. All calls will be held on Zoom and recorded for your convenience. Time & and date TBA. 


I’m very new when it comes to trauma healing, will this be too advanced for me?


CFA is designed to help you go deeper with money work. Typically, CFA students are familiar with the basics of personal finance (they tried what’s out there but didn’t go very far), trauma work, and spirituality, and have worked with a coach or received therapy (now or in the past).


They are self aware, open to analyzing themselves and are ready to go to the root of their limiting beliefs and behaviors. And most importantly, they are ready to step into the most empowered version of themselves and are ready make for big changes that start from within. 


We will be going through the foundations of money healing in Phase 0.0 but as this is a self-led program with group coaching, I would also recommend you also dive into self study (through books I can recommend) and perhaps getting 1:1 support alongside this program. 


I’m not a newbie when it comes to trauma healing, will this be too basic?

First of all congratulations! Doing “the work” and going within takes so much dedication and courage.  


Let me ask you a few questions to help you out:

How does your relationship with money feel right now? Do you feel like you are supported by your financial systems? Do they support and facilitate your big life vision and mission? Do you feel deeply supported by money, like it’s your reliable bestie on your life journey? Are you not just earning an income but you also feel yummy in how the money comes into yur life, gets spent and saved? Do you have a system that will help you save for your future AND enjoy your day-to-day life? 

Do you feel like you are fully confident in emotionally regulating yourself to uphold your money boundaries and achieve your financial goals?  Could you use some accountability and some trauma-informed financial education and a system that is so easy on your nervous system that you can just set and forget?

If any of the following questions had you thinking “damn...that’s a good point!” then yes, CFA is for you ;)


Will I get 1-1 feedback/attention from Nadine?


CFA offers 3 group coaching sessions a month, but you are welcome to add 1:1 coaching if you feel like you need to. In our group coaching sessions you will receive lots of support! You will get the chance to ask questions and receive guidance. 


How much time will this program take?


This is somewhat up to you. The live call recordings are all 90 minutes and you get 3 calls per month. 


The assignments and journal prompts are designed to take anywhere between 2-3 hours. So planning to dedicate approximately 6 hours per module is recommended if you’re looking to get the best possible results. 


However, there is no "right" way to move through this material. The material we cover in CFA is deep. Aka: it’s not conceptual fluff, and every lesson and assignment is carefully designed to take you deeper than you’ve ever been, because I believe that the quality of your healing journey highly depends on the quality of questions you get asked along the way. 


You also have lifetime access to the material. Some students love to go back and binge watch all the lessons after CFA is over. 


What exactly is Holistic Money Healing?


Great question! I define Money Healing as taking a holistic view of your life and finances.


In this program, I will invite you to ask yourself “What happened to you”, instead of  What’s wrong with you, or what do you need to “fix” to become worthy, abundant, and at peace with your finances? 


We will take a look at your life and your past as a whole, and I will help you release any past wounding and old money stories that are holding you back from being fully and authentically you. 


My approach to money is conscious, spiritual and backed by science, trauma healing and years of working in accounting. 


I believe in an inside out approach to money, where you get to decide how your money can support your bigger life vision, mission and purpose. What I usually see out there (Manifestation practices and financial programs) puts money on a pedestal- these practices encourage us to contort and restrict ourselves into budgets and rules that diminish our free spirits, or tell us that we need to raise our vibration in order to be worthy of the abundance. That’s not what I teach or believe. I believe that abundance is your birthright. And what stands in between you and abundance is your wounding and conditioning. 

This is what I mean by money healing. We heal, we learn systems that are empowering, and we manifest and co-create with God and the Universe from a pure place of clarity and self leadership. 


How long will I have access to the content?


You will get lifetime access to recorded materials- assuming all payment are made, it’s yours for life! 


When do the live calls take place?

The live call schedule will be determined by polling the students to find a time that works best for everyone. 


How do I make payment?

Payment will be made through Paypal, Stripe, or via the Mighty Networks platforms. Pay in full nad monthly payment plan options will be made available.


What is your refund policy?


There are no refunds. Please read this sales page carefully as it is a very accurate reflection of what is included in this program.

Do you have questions I haven't answered? Pop me an email ( or send me a DM on Instagram ❤️

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